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Sensurround Lyrics

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"SenSurround" (from "The Mighty Morphin' Power Rangers Movie" Soundtrack)
by They Might Be Giants

When I was only a zygote
I still remember the time
When there was nothing to know or to think about
Except the sound of my mind
And the sound from outside.

Down at the bottom
Sensible to ear and sternum
And the world first spoke to me in SenSurround.

If mom had known she was expecting,
She might have gone to see Jaws
Instead of picking a film where the sound effects
Came right up through the floor,
And I'd be differently formed.

Down at the bottom
Sensible to ear and sternum
And the world first spoke to me in SenSurround.

Accidently in a coal mine it was found
When they accidently dug too far down
And found the SenSurround.

I still don't know who conceived it,
Or where they got the idea,
But there it was in the aisle by the exit sign,
A woofer covered in wood
to shake the room when it should.

Down at the bottom
Sensible to ear and sternum
Made the fakeness realistic
When the action went ballistic,
One degree shy of sadistic
And the world first spoke to me in SenSurround.

*musical interlude*

If I could swim under the water
without having to breathe,
If I could follow the trail to the ocean floor,
I think I'd know what there'd be
Down there waiting for me.

Down at the bottom
Sensible to ear and sternum
Made the fakeness realistic
When the action went ballistic
One degree shy of sadistic
And the world first spoke to me in SenSurround.

Sensurround Lyrics

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