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Album/Collection: Practical Jokers
Online Since: 07-Nov-2002
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People are also wanting
all the things
they never had
temptation mixes up
hello, hello, hello
when you're ?
You don't want no boy?
Everybody's singing

  give me some more - I want some more
  give me some more - got to have some more
  gimme some more - just a little bit more

It can't always be christmas
You can never get to ?
There's no such word as 'ample', for example

The housewife wants more gadgets
The russians want the world
Everybody's wanting

So much more of this
A little bit more of that
There's so much more than there is
There's so much more
There's so much more of this
A little bit more of that
There's so much more....

some more...
some more,
I want some more
gimme some more - got to have some more
gimme some more - just a little bit

More of this
A little bit more of that
There's so much more than there is
There's so much more
There's so much more of this
A little bit more of that
There's so much more....

So gimme some more - gotta have some more
gimme some more - just to have some more
gimme some more - just a little bit more...

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