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Exclusively Lyrics

Album/Collection: Who Is Jill Scott?
Online Since: 07-Nov-2002
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hello 13x 
mmmmmm this morning my man exclusively introduced me 
to some good extra lovin 
he was lickin and suckin on everything just the way he should 
this morning's extra lovin was good 
we lay there sweaty sex funky happy as we want to be 
lovin exclusively my man and me all night all morning 
so our stomachs were growlin hungrily 
so i jumped up and rushed to the store 
in hopes of coming back and getting a little more of 
this morning's good extra lovin 
at the market the people were pushing and shoving 
trying to be the next in line the turn was mine 
the new girl at the counter was cute but not as fine as me 
was this some kind of women's intuition some kind of insecurity 
nah cuz my man is happy at home lovin me exclusively 
so i shook my head wassup 
hello she smiled as she rung me up 
orange juice 3 29 croissants 4 85 
she sniffed butter 89 
she sniffed strawberries 1 50 a pint 
she sniffed and sniffed and sniffed and sniffed again 
and then replied raheem right 

Exclusively Lyrics

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