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The War Is Over Lyrics

Album/Collection: Last Of The Ghetto Astronauts
Online Since: 07-Nov-2002
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A man once told me that life was like a collage
he said there's nothing much to spies like us
just killing time, that's all
& there are spacecraft orbiting the earth
guided by 90 year old Russians that haven't heard
the war is over, how do you feel
& how have you been baby
well she got married and she had kids
& they fear sex and not the bomb
& the rest is just ad libbed
& me I'm waiting for something
that does not come
for something crack
for something to go wrong
I'm inside out & I'd say

This is where we get off
this is where we do anything we want
& this is where I amuse you

A man once told me that life was like a collage
he said the truth is not radio friendly espionage
the war is over, how do you feel
& where have you been baby
well we got stuck & we got lost
between good-bye & the chemical sky
& a nuclear albatross
when I sleep, I see rain
when I'm alone, I am in pain
& everything is not the same
as on the big screen
I'm inside out and I'd say
this is where we get off

The War Is Over Lyrics

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