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Stuff The Jubilee! Lyrics

Album/Collection: Post Historic Monsters
Online Since: 07-Nov-2002
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I'm not an anarchist but I know a man who is
he composed this masterpiece about the nouveau stinking riche
Of cabbages and future kings and marriage guiding councelings
Of geratrics losing hope in Stephen Patrick's overcoat

Excuse my rudery but stuff the jubilee!

It's the last tango at the palace
Christopher goes down on Alice
A make up girl from Salfridges unaccustomed to such priveleges
Selected for the purposes of His Majest's secret services
The kind of secret services usually confined to circuses

Excuse my rudery but stuff the jubilee!
Princess A to Princess Bea and all their work for charity
Every royal lion's head on every boiled and frying egg
And every modding polo team in Hallo! bloody magazine

And if you feel this story lacks the royal seal on candle wax
Real to reals of scurry facts of dodgy deal and income tax
String me up from Traitor's Gate stick my head upon a stake
And if you feel this story sucks that's probably because I made it up
I didn't really hitch a lift to Windsor Castle bearing gifts
And I can prove it wasn't me
I was on a stage in Germany
I've always loved the Queenie Mum her daughters and her daughter's sons
>From Princess A to Princess Bea 
And all the Royal Family

Stuff the jubilee!

Stuff The Jubilee! Lyrics

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