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Get Out Of My House Lyrics

Album/Collection: The Dreaming
Online Since: 07-Nov-2002
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When you left the door was (slamming)
You paused in the doorway
As though a thought stole you away
I watched the world pull you away
(lock it)
So I run into the hall
(lock it)
Into the corridor
There's a door in the house (slamming)
I hear the lift descending
I hear it hit the landing
See the hackles on the cat, standing
With my key I (lock it)
With my key I (lock it up)
With my key I (lock it)
With my key I (lock it up)

I am the concierge, chez-moi, honey
Won't letcha in for love or money
My home, my joy
I'm barred and bolted, and I
      Won't letcha in

   (Get out of my house)
   No stranger's feet
   Will enter me
   I wash the panes
   I clean the stains away

This house is as old as I am
This house knows all I have done
They come with their weather hanging around them
But can't knock my door down
With my key I (lock it)
With my key I (lock it)
This house is full of m-m-my mess
This house is full of m-m-mistakes
This house is full of m-m-madness
This house is full of, full of, full of fight
With my keeper I (clean up)
With my keeper I (clean it all up)
With my keeper I (clean up)
With my keeper I (clean it all up)

I am the concierge, chez-moi, honey
Won't letcha in for love or money
My home, my joy, I'm barred and bolted and I
      Won't letcha in


Man: Woman, let me in
     Let me bring in the memories
     Woman, let me in
     Let me bring in the Devil Dreams

Woman: I will not let you in
       Don't you bring back the reveries
       I turn into a bird
       Carry further than the word is heard

Man: Woman, let me in
     I turn into the wind
     I blow you a cold kiss
     Stronger than the song's hit

Woman: I will not let you in
       I face towards the wind
       I change into the mule

Both: "Hee-haw"

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Get Out Of My House Lyrics

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