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Where the Circle Ends Guitar Tablature
Thursday – Where the Circle Ends

Standard Tuning

Guitar 1

x1	0:00-0:15

x1	0:15-0:22

x1	0:23-0:37

x1	0:40-0:52

x4	0:53-1:07

x1	1:08-1:21

x	1:23-1:36

x4	1:38-1:52

x1	1:54-2:08

x1	2:12-2:30

x1	2:35-2:42

x1	2:54-3:02

Guitar 2

x16 	0:00-1:53

x16	1:53-2:52

this is the most beautiful thursday song.  the way that the two guitars blend together so well, and the simple complexity of the song are just pure genius. this tab is as close as I can get on this song.  i posted the other tab a long time ago when I figured out a few parts and was proud of it.  Email me if you like it   redakk22@hotmail.com      AIM: redakk
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