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People Guitar Tablature
Baker Gurvitz Army "People"
From their 1975 lp "Elysian encounter"
Tabbed by Board (Anders Pedersen): [email protected]

/ = slide down
h = hammer-on
p = pull-off
harm = natural harmonic
.                          .
. = Repeat between the two . signs.

Drum intro

            Riff A (guitar 1. Guitar 2 comes in the 3rd time)
				Play a total of 4X
End at the * the 4th time

Riff A1 (guitar 2). Guitar 1 plays Riff A.



Riff B (both guitars): ("Now is the time...")

Play Riff A+A1 once
Play Riff B once
Play Riff A+A1 once

Riff C: ("No matter what you do...")

Play Riff A+A1 once

Small lick at the end of Riff A:

Drum interlude

Play intro again (w/the slide)

Second verse
Repeat almost same structure as the first verse: 
Play Riff B once
Play Riff A+A1 once 
Play Riff B once
Play Riff A+A1 once
Play Riff C once
Play Riff A+A1 twice


Guitar 1:

Guitar 2:

One of the guitars plays this, but I can't figure out what the other's playing.

Guitar solo

I think this is what is being played under the solo:


Drum interlude - Hit the E power chord above once more

Play intro again (w/the slide)

Last verse:
Play Riff B once
Play Riff A+A1 once 
Play Riff B once
Play Riff A+A1 once
Play Riff C once (leave out the note at the ')
Play the part of Riff C from the * twice.


Play Riff C once
Play the part of Riff C from the * three times while retiring.
End on an A power chord while this is played on an acoustic guitar:

                                             harm harm
The two harmonics are most likely played by another acoustic guitar

The end, Bitsch!!
Previous guitar tablature in Baker Gurvitz Army