Home > Rock & Pop > Rammstein >
Links 2 3 4 Guitar Tablature
Band: Rammstein 
Song: Links 2 3 4 
Album: Mutter
 Tabbed by: Nick apw 

Standard Tuning 
Key: X = Mute
 ~ = Bending string up and down rapidly

Note: this is very much like Mmrulez tab, so give him some credit. this one just has a few alterations here and there and the solo this time is honestly 100% correct.

At the beginning there are feet marching after 7 seconds the drums come in and the guitar follows: As you play hold the 002 and 668 chord, and for the palm mute, before the slide use down strokes and then upstrokes.

 E |----------------------------------------------------------------------|
 B |----------------------------------------------------------------------|
 G |----------------------------------------------------------------------|  X3
 D |----- 2--------2--------2--------2---X--X--- -5-/-- 7---8-------- | 
 A |----- 0--------2--------2------- 2---X--X---- 5-/---5---6---------|
 E |-0-0-0---0-0-0---0-0-0---0-0-0---X--X---  3-/---5---6---------| 
        X X         X X        X X       X X          

This next bit is only played  after 3 intros
      INTRO 2
 E |--------------------------------------------------------------|
 B |--------------------------------------------------------------|
 G |--------------------------------------------------------------|  X1
 D |----- 2--------2--------2--------2---X--X--- -8 8 8------ | 
 A |----- 0--------2--------2------- 2---X--X---- 6 8-8-------|
 E |-0-0-0---0-0-0---0-0-0---0-0-0---X--X---  6-6 6-------| 
        X X         X X        X X       X X          

	RIFF 1 - this Is played later on in the song
 E |--------------------------------------------------------------|
 B |--------------------------------------------------------------|
 G |--------------------------------------------------------------|  X1
 D |----- 2------5----7-----X--X-X-X----8 ------------------| 
 A |----- 0------5----5-----X--X-X-X----6 ------------------|
 E |----- 0------3----5-----X--X-X-X----6------------------ |

SOLO ---first correct one i have seen!

e |-------------------------------------------------------------|
 B |-7-8-10-12 10-8-7-8-10 12 10 8 7 8 5 ~ -----------| 
G |-------------------------------------------------------------| 
D |-------------------------------------------------------------| 
A |-------------------------------------------------------------|
 E |-------------------------------------------------------------|

e |--------------------------------------------7~---------------|
 B |-7-8-10-12 10-8-7-8-10 12 10 8 7 8  ----------------| 
G |--------------------------------------------------------------| 
D |--------------------------------------------------------------| 
A |--------------------------------------------------------------|
 E |--------------------------------------------------------------|

This is played 4 times hold the last note.

Intro x4
Intro2 x1
Intro x2
Chorus (Intro) x4
Chorus (Intro) x4
Riff 1 x2
Intro acoustic x8
Chorus x4
Solo x4
Chorus x4

Thanks I hope this has helped.
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