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Decompression Period Guitar Tablature
Artist: Papa Roach
Track Title: Decompression Period
Album Title: LoveHateTragedy

This was Ben Knight's original tab, but he was off on two riffs, so here's the perfect version!!!

Drop-Db (Db, Ab, Db, Gb, Bb, Eb)



 Chorus Pt. 1                                                                 


-7-xxx7-xxx6-xxx6-xxx5-xxx5-xxx3-xxx0--7-xxx7-xxx10-xxx10-xxx12-xxx12-xxx----- <---my correction
 Chorus Pt. 2                                                                 

 End of Chorus 2, right before 2nd verse.  

-7-7777-6666-6666-5555-5555-3333-0000--7-7777-10101010-10101010-12121212-12121212-121212 <----my correction
Pre-Solo (same as chorus pt.2 without palm muting)                                

 Solo Pt. 1                                                                   

 Solo Pt. 2
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