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Narcosynthesis Guitar Tablature
Nevermore - "Narcosynthesis"  
From A Dead heart in a Dead world 
Transcribed by Ola Englund god***@swipnet.se 
Requests can be send to god***@swipnet.se 

..  - palm mute          /  - slide up to 
   - slide down to      ~  - vibrato 
 h  - hammer on          b  - bend 
 p  - pull off            Suffixes for bend 
                          ph - pinch harmonic 
                           f - full bend    h - half bend 
r - release                 t - tap bend 
X  - percussion mute       ~ - vibrato bend 
() - ghost note, sustained note 
                           n.h - natural harmonics 

7-string tuned down 1/2 step 

Intro Sequence 


|--------------------------------:| x4 
                     . . . .  

  . . .     . . .     . . .     . . .     . . . . . . . . 

  . . .     . . .     . . .     . . . . .   . . .  . . .  


|-----------------------------------------------------------:| x2 

Verse Guitar Fill1(Play over Verse) 


Play Verse 
Play Prechorus 

Chorus Bridge    
      .  . . .             .  . . . 

      .  . . . 


                                  1st Ending          2nd Ending 
|--------------------------------|--------------|    |--------------| 
|--------------------------------|--------------|    |--------------|  
|--------------------------------|--------------|    |--------------|  
|--------------------------------|-------------:|x2  |--------------| 
|-7---7--7/10--10-10--10---7--7--|--------3-3-2-|    |--------------| 
|-7---7--7/10--10-10--10---5--5--|-6------3-3-2-|    |-5------5-4-2-| 
|-5---5--5/8---8--8---8----------|-4------0-1-0-|    |-4------4-3-1-| 
                                                              . . . 
Play intro  
Play Verse 
Play Chorus 

Solo I  

Part1 (Wah)  
(volume swell) 





|-------------------------------------------------:| x2 



Play Chorus Bridge 
Play Verse 
Play Chorus 

Ending Riff 

Solo II 
Very much like part3 of soloI. 

Play Intro 

The End
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