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Heart Collector Guitar Tablature
Nevermore - "Heart Collector"  
From A Dead heart in a Dead world 
Transcribed by Ola Englund god***@swipnet.se 
Requests can be send to god***@swipnet.se 

.  - palm mute                  /  - slide up to 
  - slide down to              ~  - vibrato              
h  - hammer on                  b  - bend  
p  - pull off                   Suffixes for bend     
ph - pinch harmonic             f - full bend    h - half bend 
*  - see comment                r - release      t - tap bend 
X  - percussion mute            ~ - vibrato bend 
@  - slight palm mute           () - ghost note, sustained note 

7-string tuned down 1/2 step 

Intro And Chorus 


Intro Solo(play over Intro/Chorus) 

Intro sequense 2 

Sequense 2 solo(play over Intro sequense 2) 



Acoustic verse(played on a acoustic guitar) 


Verse lead (played over Acoustic verse) 



Prechorus(lead) - with added lower octave as harmony 

Chorus Rhythm 

Chorus Lead 

Play Verse(with bass-solo) 
Play Prechorus 
Play Chorus 

Solo Rhythm Part1 


Solo Rhythm Part2 

Solo Lead Part1  





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Solo Part2 (play with added lower octave) 



Play Acoustiv Verse with acoustic lead 
Then play intro/sequense 

Ending - Clean guitar                1st              2nd 

|--6--------6--------6-----5--------5--------5------|Repeat 8x 

Ending - Rhythm 
                     . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 


               .  .  . 


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