Home > Rock & Pop > Dog Fashion Disco >
Castaway Guitar Tablature
Author/Artist: Dog Fashion Disco
Title: Castaway
Album: Committed to a Bright Future
Email: [email protected]
By: Alpha-Q
Tuning: drop d(D,A,D,G,B,E) (Low to High)

<> natural harmonics
p  pull off
h  hammer on
b  bend
)  tremelo pick while sliding
/  slide up
  slide down
... play until you think it is time to move on.
PM  palm mute

NOTE: I tried figuring most of this out from a live recording.

Intro/Riff 1


fill 1, (play this on the 4th time of playing intro riff)

fill 2

Riff 2


  ......         ......       ......                


last time


E-mail me any corrections or comments
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