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Master of Disharmony Guitar Tablature
Song:Master of Disharmony
Album:Enthrone Darkness Triumphant
Artist:Dimmu Borgir

Hello all,more Dimmu Borgir tabs.I really don't think theres anything wrong here
except for the lack of a solo.

pm=palm mute
..=rapid picking

Riff 1xa lot (when the vocals come In ,only hit these chords once)

Riff 2(kinda a main riff)

Riff 3(goes with chanting)
      pm.   pm        pm.   pm.     pm.   pm        pm.    pm.

Riff 4
  pm..      pm..      pm..      pm..

Riff 5 (similar to Riff 2)

Fill ( right before riff 6 )


Riff 6  (It sounds right to me)

Riff 7 (This Is a rythim guitar riff that plays over riff 2 and It's what the song ends with)
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